Are you stuck in a job you have no passion for, juggling work & family life, wishing there was another way?

Discover What You Need To Know About Setting Up And Running A Successful Fingerprint Jewellery Business...

What You'll Learn...

Our Ultimate Silver Fingerprint Jewellery Course is part of a wider series of Silver Clay Jewellery Courses, which teaches you how to make Fingerprint Jewellery, along with a wide range of other Keepsake Jewellery, so that you can start your own successful Silver Clay Keepsake Jewellery Business. 

During our step-by-step Online Fingerprint Jewellery Course, we will reveal all the essential techniques for making beautiful Silver Fingerprint Jewellery; including taking the fingerprint molds, working with metal clay, engraving and personalising the fingerprint jewellery, polishing, firing and top tips for achieving beautiful results!

So, if you want to start your own rewarding home-based Fingerprint Jewellery Business, without the high start-up costs of a Franchise, you've come to the right place!

During this dynamic online Fingerprint Jewellery Course, we will reveal all of the specialist secrets to creating your own beautiful collection of bespoke Fingerprint Jewellery and provide answers to commonly asked questions, about how to make fingerprint jewellery and start a fingerprint jewellery business, including, how to:

  • Make a fingerprint mold.
  • Transfer the fingerprints to the metal clay silver jewellery.
  • Create and shape the fingerprint charms.
  • Engrave & personalise the Fingerprint jewellery charms.
  • Fire & polish the fingerprint charms.
  • Solder and attach to findings.
  • Make a wide range of fingerprint jewellery styles and designs.

This Fingerprint Jewellery Course will take you through the key stages of how to make fingerprint jewellery, including creating; fingerprint charms, fingerprint cufflinks, fingerprint keyrings, fingerprint necklaces and a wide range of other stunning fingerprint gifts and mementoes.

Our Series of Silver Clay Jewellery Courses also provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about starting a Fingerprint Jewellery Business, including:

  • What tools and equipment you will need to get started.
  • Where to get ongoing materials and supplies.
  • How to legally set up and register your business.
  • How to write a business plan & price up your products.
  • How to create a marketing plan that keeps you on track with your business goals and objectives.
  • How to create a compelling brand, which attracts customers and generates more sales
  • Cost-effective strategies to effectively promote and market your business.
  • Legal considerations, including what business insurance you will need and how to run a business from home legally.
  • Includes a comprehensive business start-up guide, marketing manuals and ongoing help and support.


  • You're stuck in a job you have no passion for, feeling like there must be more.
  • You are a mum juggling work and child-care and you're exhausted with the constant rush and daily struggle.
  • You just want to find a simpler way to make money AND be there for your children.
  • You have been sitting on the fence for a while, thinking about starting your own Business, but you're feeling stuck and procrastinating, not sure what to do or where to start.

You are in the right place...

Fingerprint Jewellery Course

Hi, if we have not met before, I'm Michelle Williams,

I'm a single mum and I've raised my children independently and provided for them with my own Creative Home Business over the past 20 years.
I went from being stressed out and burnt out in a corporate job, constantly feeling guilty that I wasn’t spending enough time with my children, to creating a freedom-based lifestyle with my own Creative Home Business.

And over the past 20 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women from all over the world, helping them to do the same.

And I can help you too!

I am Committed to your Success!

You don't need to limit yourself to juggling work and childcare, feeling consumed with guilt that you're not spending enough time with your Children.

Not anymore.

My Fingerprint Jewellery Course will teach you everything you need to know to start, launch and grow a successful Fingerprint Jewellery Business.

Fingerprint Jewellery Course

I will give you everything you need to learn how to make Fingerprint Jewellery, market it and run a successful Fingerprint Jewellery Business.

This includes my market-leading Online Tuition on How to make Fingerprint Jewellery, along with all of the business support you need to get your business up and running and on the fast-track to success.

You'll benefit from my 20 years of Business experience, along with Online Training and Support to learn how to make stunning Fingerprint Jewellery that your customers will love and want to buy.

This Package also includes Course Training Manuals, Business Start-Up and Marketing Guides, along with 3 months viewing and support, which can be extended for the lifetime of your membership, if you're a member of The Keepsake Guild.

Membership, includes many benefits, including access to my Private Members Club, where you can learn 'real world' business skills from me, and our worldwide community of Keepsake Artisans, along with direct access to me, so I'll be there to personally answer any of your questions and help you along the way.

A True Business Success Formula!

What You'll learn from this Course...

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Tools & Equipment:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Capturing the Fingerprints & Making the Moulds
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating your Silver Clay Charms (Greenware Stage)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Firing & Polishing your Silver Fingerprint Jewellery
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Soldering, Finishing & Attaching to Findings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Training Manuals & Business Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll


"I took close to £1300 in one day."

"I recouped the cost of my initial Training and Equipment very quickly and I've been pleased with the level of sales I've achieved to date. I had a particularly successful Baby Show recently, where I took close to £1,300 in one day.

... During the two Christmas periods that I've been trading, I have been really busy. On average I have taken at least £2000 during November and December. Not bad for a part-time Home Business!"

Sarah Hurren

Fingerprint Jewellery Course
Fingerprint Jewellery Tuition

I'll teach you all the essential Jewellery making techniques to make your own beautiful collection of Fingerprint Jewellery, including fingerprint charms, fingerprint cufflinks, fingerprint keyrings, fingerprint necklaces and a wide range of other fingerprint jewellery gifts and mementoes.

Fingerprint Jewellery Course
Business Start-up Advice

Because, learning how to make Fingerprint Jewellery, is just a small part of the puzzle, my Fingerprint Jewellery Course includes a comprehensive Business Start-Up Guide and Marketing Manual, along with a wide range of complimentary business resources, so that you have all of the technical and business know-how you need to successfully launch your Business.

Fingerprint Jewellery Course
Ongoing Help & Support

All of my courses include 3 months of viewing and support, which can be extended for the lifetime of your membership if you're a member of The Keepsake Guild. So, although you'll be in business on your own, you'll never feel alone.

"My Business has grown month by month and continues to grow."

"My business has grown month by month and it continues to grow, for that I am thankful. But it's a case of, you get out what you put in. Above all, I would say, enjoy it!

...You are creating a memory in time that is never going to be created again because that moment has passed and so you are creating a piece which is timeless and that alone is priceless."

Eleanor Allison