Get Back Your Time And Freedom

And Create a Life And Business You Love.

Enroll in my Life Casting Training Series TODAY to unlock this Amazing Special Offer!


If you wish to start a 3D Baby Life Casting Business you have come to the right place!

I have been helping busy mums ditch their 9-5 jobs and start their own profitable and rewarding Baby Life Casting Businesses for the past 20 years.

Starting a Baby Hand and Foot Casting Business offers a very low-cost opportunity to start in business, working from home, so this opportunity is ideal for mums looking to earn a flexible income from home around raising their family.


  • You are stuck in a job you have no passion for, feeling like there must be more.
  • You are a mum juggling work and child-care and you're exhausted by the constant rush and daily struggle.
  • You just want to find a simpler way to make money AND be there for your Children.
  • You've been sitting on the fence for a while, thinking about starting your own Baby Life Casting Business, but you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed, not sure what to do or where to start.

You are in the right place... 

Life Casting Training Courses

Hi, if we have not met before, I'm Michelle Williams,

I'm a single mum and I've raised and provided for my children independently, over the past 20 years, with my own Creative Home Business.

I went from being stressed out and burnt out in a corporate job, constantly feeling guilty that I wasn’t spending enough time with my children, to creating a freedom-based lifestyle with my own fun and rewarding Baby Life Casting Business - and over the past 20 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women from all over the world, helping them to do the same. I can help you too!

I'm committed to your success!

You don't need to limit yourself to juggling work and childcare, feeling guilty that you're not spending enough time with your children.

Not anymore.

I'll teach you everything you need to know to build a successful Baby Life Casting Business.

Life Casting Courses

I will give you everything you need, to learn how to Create Beautiful Life Casts, market them and run a Successful Baby Life Casting Business.

This includes all of the Training and Support you need to get your Baby Casting Business up and running and on the fast track to Success, including:

  • Access to my market-leading Online Training Courses.
  • Course Training Manuals
  • Business Start-up Manual
  • Marketing Guides
  • Royalty-Free Product Images to use in your Marketing
  • 12 months Online Help Desk Support
  • 3 Months of free membership to my Private Members Club (The Keepsake Guild).
  • PLUS! 20 years of Business Experience from me!

But that's not all... 

Our Ultimate Life Casting Training Series isn't just about learning how to cast babies' hands and feet; it's also a comprehensive resource for launching your Life Casting Business. You'll gain insights and solutions to the most common questions about starting your venture, such as:

Essential Tools and Equipment:

Discover the necessary tools and equipment required to kickstart your Baby Life Casting Business. We'll guide you through the items you need to create stunning Life Casts efficiently and professionally.

Sourcing Materials and Supplies:

Learn where to find reliable sources for ongoing materials and supplies. Whether it's dental alginate, clay, plaster or paints and waxes, you'll get insider tips to ensure a smooth flow of resources for your business.

Legal Setup and Registration:

Navigate the legal landscape of setting up and registering your business. From choosing the right business structure to understanding legal obligations, we'll provide clear guidance to establish your venture with confidence.

Crafting a Business Plan and Pricing Strategy:

Learn how to formulate a comprehensive business plan and accurately price your products. Understand the financial aspects of your business to set prices that reflect the value of your creations.

Building an Effective Marketing Plan:

Craft a strategic marketing plan aligned with your business goals. Discover methods to target your ideal customers, enhance brand visibility, and generate consistent interest in your Life Casting Business.

Developing a Compelling Brand:

Unlock the secrets of creating a compelling brand identity that resonates with your audience. Learn how to attract customers and boost sales by crafting a unique and appealing brand.

Cost-Effective Promotion Strategies:

Explore cost-effective strategies to promote and market your business. From social media tactics to collaborations, we'll help you effectively spread the word about your offerings.

Legal Considerations and Home Business Setup:

Understand important legal considerations, including necessary business insurance and how to run your business from home legally. We'll guide you through the legal aspects to ensure a compliant and safe operation.

Comprehensive Business Support:

Access a wealth of resources including a detailed business start-up guide, marketing manuals, and ongoing support. We're committed to your success, providing you with the tools and assistance you need to thrive in your Baby Life Casting Business.

By enrolling in our Ultimate Life Casting Training Series you're not only mastering the art of crafting exquisite Baby Hand ad Foot Casts but also gaining the knowledge and guidance to transform your passion into a successful business venture. Join us today and embark on a journey of creativity, entrepreneurship, and accomplishment.


Register TODAY and Pay in Full and you'll get:

4 X Online Coaching Sessions with me.

I'll personally hold your hand and guide you to success.

A True Business Success Formula!

Enrol Now to Gain Immediate Access to all the Training & Resources.

Try it Risk-Free.

You've got Nothing to Lose.

Life Casting Training Courses

Here's what Other People are Saying...

Natasha Poffley

"The Courses are very vast, there are lots of products to choose from. I decided to start out with Keepsake Jewellery, which I really love. I will grow my business into lots of other product ranges in the future.

...There are lots of other members, which provides a great sense of community. So, although you're in business on your own, you never feel alone."

Eleanor Allison

"My business has grown month by month and it continues to grow, for that I am thankful. But it's a case of, you get out what you put in. Above all, I would say, enjoy it!

...You are creating a memory in time that is never going to be created again, because that moment has passed and so you are creating a piece which is timeless and that alone is priceless."

Sarah Hurren

"I recouped the cost of my initial Training and Equipment very quickly and I've been pleased with the level of sales I've achieved to date. I had a particularly successful Baby Show recently, where I took close to £1,300 in one day.

... During the two Christmas periods that I've been trading, I have been really busy. On average I have taken at least £2000 during November and December. Not bad for a part-time Home Business!"

Let's break it all down.

Here's what you'll get...

  • Instant access to ALL of my Online Life Casting Courses - VALUE £1,015
  • 7 x Course Training Manuals - VALUE £350
  • Business Start-up Manual - VALUE £100
  • Marketing Guides - VALUE £100
  • Royalty-Free Product Images to use in your Marketing - VALUE £900
  • 12 months Online Help Desk Support - VALUE £300
  • 3 Months membership to The Keepsake Guild - VALUE £39
  • PLUS MY FAST ACTION BONUS: If you Enrol TODAY and Pay in FULL you'll also get 4 x Online Coaching Sessions with me - VALUE £560!

Choose a Pricing Option



So, what happens after I purchase?

You will be given immediate access to my e-Classroom, where you can start your Online Training straight away. You will also be able to connect with our community and start your journey to creating more time and financial freedom.

Is there a guarantee?

This is how convinced I am that you are going to absolutely love all of the Training and Support provided within this package. If you register TODAY - not only will you save yourself over £2000 and get access to this market-leading training for just £699, but I'm also offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if you don't totally love all of the training and support and find it of incredible value, I'll give you your money back within the first 30 days.

Is this Program available Worldwide?

Yes, I have trained hundreds of women from all over the world with my market-leading Online Training and Support Program.

How long will I get to access the Training?

You will receive 12 months Online Taining and Support, which can be extended for the lifetime of your membership if you're a member of The Keepsake Guild.

How quickly will I recoup my costs?

Very quickly! You will only need to sell around 6 Baby Casts to get your money back on this Training & Support Package.

What space is necessary to run this Business?

Not very much space at all! This is an ideal business to run from Home. Most of our business owners operate from their kitchen table, spare room, garage, or summer house.

What Tools & Equipment will I need?

You'll need a supply of relatively low-cost tools, materials, and equipment, which we'll demonstrate as part of the training. You'll be able to see a very fast return on investment with the sale of just a few Baby Casts.

Do you offer any payment plans to get started?

Yes! To make things really simple for you to get started, we've set up a payment plan, which will enable you to spread the cost over 6 months. Note, however: The fast Action Bonus of 4 x Coaching Sessions with me is only available to people who Enrol Today and Pay in Full.

How do I schedule my Coaching appointments?

To qualify for this Special Bonus, you'll need to Enrol Today and Pay in Full. Then you'll receive full instructions on how to book your Coaching Sessions.